yes, it has been almost 7 months since my last post - but when inspiration hits, it really kicks you in the balls. while wearing an orange jumpsuit. with a hood. and a classic pair of wrestling glasses.
(thanks adarsh!)
a white girl's slow intro into japanese culture.
Tokyo, Japan (CNN) -- The Buddhist religion has largely remained the same over the past few centuries, but a group of monks in Japan are spicing things up by turning to alcohol and rap music to lure in followers.
The monks are calling it Buddhism 2010.
Kansho Tagai, who is a Buddhist monk, believes it's time to change for the future and doesn't mind if it means dropping the chants and bringing on the rap music.
Tagai also prefers to go by his street name -- Mr. Happiness.
Many argue that the Buddhist mantra is hard to understand, but if it's interpreted in a modern way sung as a rap, then more young people might accept the Buddhist faith, according to Tagai.
....Another idea that monks hope will help get more young people involved is mixing faith with fun at something called the Monk Bar. This modern day bar serves up alcoholic drinks while teaching the Buddhist mantra, according to Zenshin Fujioka.
"This is closer to what Buddhism was intended to be," Zenshin said...
FULL ARTICLE HERE: http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/01/21/japan.monks.rap.religion