each time i take time off of studying japanese, i come back slower and whiter than before. frustrated, this is an inevitable part of studying foreign languages. however, this frustration is a thing of the past! soon all i will need is put on these fashionable glasses (above). y VOILA! ENTIENDO!!

"the tele scouter glasses feature a compact microphone and camera, which picks up the foreign-language conversation. this audio recording is then relayed to a small computer worn on the user's waist, which transmits the information to a remote server. the server translates the words from speech to text, and transmits it back to the glasses, where the translated phrase then appears on a tiny retinal display, providing the wearer with a transcript of the conversation in their own language."
- www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/news/6493869/NEC-unveils-tele-scouter-translation-glasses.html
- www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/news/6493869/NEC-unveils-tele-scouter-translation-glasses.html
in other words, your don juan's sweet nothings can be translated to your eye in real time, via a small screen set by your eyeball. is the world really ready for this digital display? cause it is soon ready for the world. oh sheila!!

priced to sell at 30 units for about 12 million dollars. (credits above to www.engrish.com and liz for use of leforge!)