after a while, the 'shoe thing' really gets on your nerves. i don't mind taking your shoes off before you get into the house- i even support and understand that, but here (like with everything else), it comes with more rules and more confusion. if i have to take them off, and put on these slippers, where do my feet touch in the meantime? inside? outside? carpet? not at all? seems simple - but it causes confusion almost every time i leave my room. THEN there are the bathroom shoes. so it is no longer good enough to wear your 'inside slippers' to the john, you have to switch to the 'toilet slippers.' this part is always a severe act of balancing, because the bathrooms are small and cramped, and the shoes take up the whole thing. during the switch i find myself balancing on one foot, resulting in more confusion as come crashing to the ground, feeling extremely guilty as my uncovered foot meets the ground. leave bathroom, switch shoes, illegally touch ground, walk back to room, take off slippers, walk into the hallway of our room, in slippers, and take them off before entering the "sleepzone." i assume the hallway in our room is a "safezone," so i walk here with both slippers and barefeet (reality is, i do this because no one will know).
apologies for using the term "zones" too much.
ps. we still get up at 5:30.
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